Articles | Volume 56, issue 1
10 Oct 2013
 | 10 Oct 2013

Effect of using different number and type of records from different generations as reference population on the accuracy of genomic evaluation

A. Boustan, A. Nejati-Javaremi, M. M. Shahrbabak, and M. Saatchi

Abstract. One important question about genomic evaluation is how distance between generations of individuals in reference population and selection candidates, would affect the accuracy of genomic estimated breeding value of selection candidates. There were two schemes in the present study. In first scheme, for each individual a genome consisting 30 chromosomes each with 100 equally spaced single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and in second scheme a genome consisting 3 chromosomes each with 1000 equally spaced SNPs was simulated. To generate enough linkage disequilibrium between loci, random mating for 50 generations was done in a finite population. In generation 51, population size was expanded to 250 individuals. This structure was continued until generation 55. Individuals in generation 55 were juvenile and did not have phenotypic records and were selection candidates. Heritability was assumed to be 0.3. Our results showed using information from more distant generations would decrease accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values of selection candidates but in scheme in which marker distance was 1 centimorgan, increasing generation number between reference population and selection candidates would decrease accuracy more than scheme in which marker distance was 0.1 centimorgan. According to our results using EBVs of reference population instead of phenotypic records would increase accuracy extremely.
