Articles | Volume 48, issue 6
10 Oct 2005
 | 10 Oct 2005

Der Einfluss der Fütterung auf die Zusammensetzung des intra-muskulären Fettes des Musculus longissimus und verschiedener Fettdepots von Jungbullen der Rassen Ungarisches Grauvieh und Holstein Friesian – 1. Mitteilung: Fettsäurezusammensetzung

G. Holló, K. Nuernberg, I. Repa, I. Holló, J. Seregi, G. Pohn, and K. Ender

Abstract. Title of the paper: Effect of feeding on the composition of the intramuscular fat in longissimus muscle and different fatty tissues of Hungarian Grey and Holstein Friesian bulls. 1. Fatty acid profile
The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of nutrition, genotype and nutrition x genotype interaction on the fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat from longissimus dorsi muscle and different fat deposits using Hungarian Grey cattle bulls (HG) in comparison to Holstein Friesian bulls (HF) kept under extensive and intensive conditions. The extensive group was kept on pasture and was fed a concentrate supplemented with linseed meal in the last month of the trial. The extensive diet influenced the linoleic and linolenic acid ratio and the CLA content of longissimus muscle more advantageous concerning human nutrition. The meat from HG contained more CLA and less n-6 fatty acids also in case of the intensive diet than that of HF bulls. In the fat deposits from HF the PUFA mainly the linoleic acid was in a significant higher proportion available, however in the fat deposits of HG was the percentage of linol- and linolenic acid favourable. The extensive nutrition resulted in a lower linoleic acid and a higher linolenic acid content in both breeds and all three fat deposits. The PUFA content in the fat samples was altered contrary in both analysed breeds because of the different diet. In case of the extensive UG was the PUFA higher in all three fat deposits. In conclusion, the fatty acid composition of beef can be modified favourably by extensive feeding and concentrate which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, however the beef of Hungarian Grey has a more wholesome influence on human health, than that of Holstein-Friesian bulls.