Articles | Volume 47, issue 6
10 Oct 2004
 | 10 Oct 2004

PIT1-HinfI gene polymorphism and its associations with milk production traits in polish Black-and-White cattle

A. Dybus, I. Szatkowska, E. Czerniawska-Piątkowska, W. Grzesiak, J. Wójcik, E. Rzewucka, and S. Zych

Abstract. Associations between polymorphism localised in the six exon of PIT1 gene (PIT1-HinfI) and milk production traits of Black-and-White cattle were analysed. A total of 900 cows were included in the study. PCR-RFLP method was used. The frequencies of the genotypes and alleles were as follows: 0.054 for AA, 0.377 for AB and 0.569 for BB, and 0.243 for PIT1A and 0.757 – PIT1B. There were no associations between PIT1-HinfI polymorphism and milk production traits of the cows.