Articles | Volume 45, issue 6
10 Oct 2002
 | 10 Oct 2002

Zufütterung von Getreide an männliche Kälber aus der Mutterkuhhaltung während der Weideperiode

H. Scholz, F. Mörchen, S. Schäfer, and R.-D. Fahr

Abstract. Title of the paper: Supplementation of grain to suckling beef calves during the grazing period
A study on 65 beef cow-calf pairs was conducted to investigate the intake of a feed supplementation with grain and its interrelations to performance and behaviourial characteristics of suckling calves, as well as the development of body condition and milk yield of the dam.

The intake of grain in the group receiving the supplementation (group B) was on average 2.7 kg/ calf/day during the grazing period. A substantial individual variation of feed intake from 1.8 kg to 7.7 kg grain/calf/day was determined. In this period, the daily gains and the weaning weights of the calves in group B were higher (15.4% resp. 7.4%). The advantage of the calves of the group B could be proven only in the second half of the grazing period. The supplementation of grain caused significantly lower suckling activities and grazing periods per day. Effects of a grain supplementation in the feeding of suckling calves on pasture could not be determined on both the body condition and the milk yield of the cows.