Articles | Volume 44, issue 6
10 Oct 2001
 | 10 Oct 2001

Wachstum, Schlachtleistung und Schlachtkörperqualität von Weidemastkälbern aus der Mutterkuhhaltung mit Fleischrindrassen

M. Golze

Abstract. Title of the paper: Growth, slaughter Performance and meat quality of pasture fattening calves raised on cattle out of the mother cows with beef cattle
The production of calves raised on cattle depends on mother cows and the direct market. The calves mainly live on mother's milk, some cattle fodder and a little grain from the farm.

Out of this reason and because of the high quality of the product it has a high reputation for the consumer. Some other advantages are for the method, the producer and the national economy because animals are used very young and though they decrease the mass of beef.

The animals are slaughtered when they are dismissed. That's why pre-ripped breeds and their cross-breeding like Angus and Limousin are very suitable.

The result of experiments shows that already with a slaughter age of seven–eight months you can reach a weight of 230–300 kg. With a slaughter yield of 56–58 % means this a warm weight of 140–180 kg. The valuable parts were 60–64 %. The good quality of the beef can be increased by a two weeks ripening of the meat. The consumers have a tends meat rich in protein and with a low fat content.