Articles | Volume 42, issue 4
10 Oct 1999
 | 10 Oct 1999

Untersuchungen zum Einfluß der Geburtensynchronisation auf tiergesundheitliche Merkmale von Partussauen und Ferkeln

U. Hühn and G. Gey

Abstract. Title of the paper: Studies on the influence of synchronization of parturition as with regard to features of the animal health of partus sows and piglets
The tests were carried out in a piglet produetion plant with 1275 sow places which is mn on a 7-day-cycle based on the penodical farrowing system. The tests were splitted into 2 stages. In the first stage 263 controlled sows were farrowing spontaneously after a gestation period of 112.9 ± 1.03 days. 637 sows still awaiting birth did get preferably on the 114th day an injection initiating parturition of Cloprostenol in the dosages of 50ug (N = 219) lOOug (N = 206) resp. 175 ug (N = l 12).

Parturition did start on an average after 20.3; 24.4 resp. 21.2 hours and the quota of farrowing sows up to 36 hours post injectionem did reach 95.4; 94.2 resp. 97.2% (not significant). The partus sows treated biotechnically did show agalacttca less often (less 8.8%) and did have a normal body inner temperature (+ 8.7%). With an increasing partus period exceeding 4 hours the rate of stillbirth went up by 4% to 9.9%. An equalization of litter was made. In the second stage 170 sows with spontaneous parturition did form the control group. 369 sows were given 50ug Cloprostenol on the 114th day of gestation and another 187 sows which did not farrow within 24 hours got another injection of 0.07 mg Carbetocin in 1 ml Depotocin. Amongst the sows treated with biotechnical initiation of parturition 8.2 % did show less discharge. In both stages the rearing success ofthe sows treated biotechnically did exceed that one of the animals by 0.51 resp. 0.41 weaned piglets each litter (p < 0,05).
